Numeracy Resources For Classrooms

blackboard Numeracy resources can be costly to buy, and time-consuming to make, but play an important part in modern classrooms. Early childhood teachers rely heavily on well-presented materials in the form of flash cards, charts, books and posters, to stimulate and assist their students in learning new concepts.

The learning environment should be engaging and provide lots of reference materials for the younger learner to absorb and respond to. Emersing students in the language and pattern of maths, with mathematical displays and reference materials such as cards and posters around the room, supports the young learner in internalising new concepts and promotes a desire for more knowledge and understanding.

The resources on this site are grouped in the categories of Cards, Posters, Templates and Booklets. I hope the resources provided will assist teachers to create highly stimulating learning environments, where confident students will be nurtured to become numerate and capable, mathematical thinkers.

Data Collection - Daily Class Surveys

Numeracy Flash Cards and Workcards

Mathematical Charts and Number Posters

Templates for Mathematical Activities

Numeracy Resources: Mathematical Books

Christmas Maths Activities

Interactive Whiteboard Resources:

Daily Weather and Calendar

The idea with this activity is to grab the attention of those students who tend to lose focus during the morning calendar and weather check. I want my students retaining the words for the days and months, and thinking about the seasons and weather. The little face appears in the bottom left corner when you need to click on to the next page. It probably would work well to give the class the choice of whether to do this task electronically or with the magnetic board and cards, so it's not always the same. Another nice interactive resource from ICT Games assists in writing the date: Datechart

Counting patterns and clocks - Prep Maths

My idea with this activity is to use it once a week or fortnight, as a class activity to support students who are learning the skip counting by 2s and 10s patterns, counting and reading teen numbers, counting backwards, saying ordinal numbers, and seeing o'clock times. If the timing is wrong for your students, you could make the changes you need with the powerpoint. Some of the pages move forward automatically, some need a click on the star. Pages could be skipped if they are inappropriate for your group.