Graphing Activities and other Data Collection Resources
It is easy to provide regular opportunities for graphing activities within the early childhood classroom. Allowing students to participate regularly in gathering and recording information, through informal surveys, can be invaluable in teaching chance and data concepts. I recommend making a class survey and 3D chart or graph, part of the daily routine. Questions can be developed around any unit of work or topic of interest to the class. Surveys can relate to students' favourite choices, opinions or understandings of concepts. Results can be displayed and discussed in a 5 minute activity, and as the year progresses, more complex concepts can be included, and different kinds of displays used (bar graphs, line graphs, venn diagrams, pictographs etc.).
Once students understand some of the concepts related to gathering information and recording it for others to view, they can be involved in individual activities, and producing their own charts and graphs. Worksheets have been included to guide these learning experiences, as well as whole class survey tasks, and ideas for classroom use.