Games & Resources for Learning

Experiences to ensure that learners thrive...
- A collection of engaging and targetted maths and literacy games
- Literacy targets: critical phonemic understandings and high frequency word recognition
- Numeracy targets: skillbuilding with efficient counting strategies and clear understandings of early numerical concepts
- Reinforces intention of learning being fun and engaging, to ensure that learners commit themselves to achieving learning goals
- Gives students purposeful opportunities to share, make choices, communicate decisions and understandings, resolve problems, and take personal responsibility for their own learning
- Provides opportunity for successful, well-managed peer tutoring and independent learning
- Consists of simple card and board games that are quick to learn, with a basic set of game formats that is repeated at multiple levels and with multiple concepts
- Other resources such as worksheets, templates, booklets, posters and flashcards as supplemental materials
- Easily incorporated into the Word Focus unit of any literacy program (as spelling and reading tasks), and the Mental Maths and general concept development, within class maths programs

At a glance...
- Build a collection of games that can be used within any classroom, small group, or individual tutoring program.
- Always have purposeful activities on hand for parent helpers and teacher assistants.
- Reduce lesson planning and preparation time by establishing your collection and including regular activity times in your program.
- Allow your students to develop confidence, skills and understandings, while working co-operatively and independently!
- Watch students enjoy learning essential literacy and numeracy concepts!
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Here are a couple of my boards on Pinterest, where I'm collecting favourite ideas and resources to use in my classroom - at present, that's a Learning Centre in a high school, with students from Grade 7 to 10. (The resources on my boards are mostly from other people's websites - not The Classroom Kit.)